Sometimes it take a week to process a race enough to blog about it. However, that's not what happened in this case. I left for the beach right after the race and am just now getting around to typing up a race report.
Wet Dog is the only triathlon that I have done three years in a row. As such, it's a pretty good indicator of how much I've improved in the sport. 1:07, then 1:01, and this year 58:58. The biggest gains have been on the bike, but the run has gotten better too. Also, in the previous years I won the Athena category, and now I can no longer race Athena, so that's progress (I guess).
It was a sketchy ride over to Decatur from Scottsboro, because my (relatively new) bike rack was disturbingly wobbly. Apparently the threads on the bolt that connect it to my hitch are already stripped, and that after only about 5 months of use. Luckily I made it with my beloved tri bike still attached to my car.
Packet pick-up was not the most efficient I've ever been to, but it's a family friendly low-key kinda race so I just shrugged my shoulders and went along with it. Gregg Gelmis was already out and about taking fabulous photos as always, and I saw lots of Fleet Feet tri kits so I knew it was going to be a good day. I went for a little warm up bike to make sure my clips were working (still haunted by Frank Maples and having to race with only one foot clipped in) then a warm-up run. I was feeling physcially good but way too laid back mentally. I got transition set up, was careful to figure out where I was racked from the perspective of coming in from the swim, and totally forgot to do the same from the bike-in point. Yeah, no longer a rookie but still making rookie mistakes.
I went into the water for a warm up, and then got out in time for the team photo. Yep, you heard that right: Kasandra Garner finally made a team photo. Mostly because they did it at the beach start instead of the finish line so that made it easy to remember. Also, as I mentioned before, I wasn't in that pre-race zone I usually get into about an hour before the race start that makes me forget about things like "team photos".
I was way too far back on the swim. I probably put what my total swim time was last year instead of lying to get further up front. So my swim was ok but I had to swim over, under, and around people the whole time. Then I came out of the water a little dizzy and had to take it easy on the jog to transition. I found my bike right away, and set out to see if I could hammer the bike a bit. I had a good bike leg, but because of there not being a bike dismount line I got slowed down coming into transition since myself and 5 other cyclists were all there at the same time trying to avoid each other and all choosing to dismount at different points. Then I started running my bike to my transition and realized I had no idea where it was, since I hadn't counted racks from this side. So I stood still for a few seconds, telling myself not to panic, and looked around until I saw my tri bag. Consequently it was a slow transition, and it cost me.
But what really cost me was the run. I don't know if it was the heat, or the humidity, or my own mental weakness, but I could NOT make myself work the run. I would like to say that I had pushed the bike so hard that my run suffered, but I don't think that's the case. I could tell from my mental self-talk that I wasn't "feeling" it. Instead of pushing myself, I was already making excuses by the end of the first mile. I walked the water stops. On a 5k. I mean, really.
Still, I finished in a respectable time and I did manage to improve over last year. There haven't been many races lately that I've finished thinking "I could have gone harder" but this was one of them. I hung around for a little while, ate a burger for breakfast, and then loaded my bike up (in the back of my car, NOT on the bike rack!) and headed for the beach to meet up with my family. So even mediocre race days can be pretty great if you are going to the beach afterwards!
The Fleet Feet team put on a great showing and so did my many friends in the tri community. Congratulations to everyone that placed, and to everyone that PRed, and to everyone that had the courage to start and the fortitude to finish. I saw the athlete with only one leg on the bike leg. What an awesome testimony to the power of the human will. He reminds me that I need to stop making excuses and just get out there and race hard!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Wet Dog Triathlon Race Report by Mark Hudnall
Wet Dog Triathlon, Decatur, AL – 20 July 2013
400m Swim, 15km Bike, 5km Run.
So, pre-race routine was an experiment in what "not to
do." the night before a race. After picking up my race packet on
Friday, I went with the family to Point Mallard waterpark compliments of
Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates. We
left the water park around 9:00 pm and arrived back home at 9:30. Since I had not eaten dinner yet…pizza to the
rescue. I polished off half of a large
pizza around 10:30. Not exactly the time
or the meal to expect great things from on race day.
Race Day - Early wake up with the usual “superstition
nutrition”. Picked up a friend and arrived at transition at 5:30. Grabbed a good spot on the bike rack, picked
up my race bib, and went through all the normal set up routine. Took a short jog and then a warm up on the
bike. Tried something a little different
this time for the bike warm-up...I did three 1-minute intervals at approximately
90% RPE with 1-minute rest in between.
Made it back to transition and hurried to the start line to barely make
the team picture. I managed to snag Gregg on the way and used my "search" for him as my excuse for being a little late. 73°F and
93% Humidity, yeaaah, love this Alabama weather. Last thought before going in the water, "Why didn’t they play
the National Anthem before the race?"
SWIM – 6:43. Swim line up was a little hectic. Kinda, sorta by race number. IF the estimated swim times were accurate
(they were not, judging by the number of "wet dogs" I had to pass) it would be nice
to see the line-up order better enforced.
I had estimated a 7:29 swim so I expected to pass a few people but not
every 5 strokes. I wasn’t able to find a
set of feet to follow this race and had to maneuver around a lot of other
T1 – Other than the slow jog from the water to the bike,
transition was smooth. I came out of the
water pretty winded and jogged through the gates and into transition. I got passed by a little kid who ran around
me as I was jogging through the bike racks….youth, ha!
BIKE – 23:45/22.7mph.
The plan was to never let my speed get below 23mph on the bike. I averaged 21.2mph at last year’s Wet Dog. After getting my feet secure in my shoes
without the shenanigans from my last race, and witnessing what was almost a
nasty bike pile-up I was able to get to 23mph within the first minute. (Please, if you are trying to get your feet
in your shoes just stay to the right side of the road and keep your wheel
straight.) I kept the speed above 23mph
and passed lots of disc wheels and tri-bikes (evil laugh). As I turned back into the park, I must’ve run
out of gas. I couldn’t keep the speed up
for the last mile and averaged 20mph coming back to the transition area.
T2 – No problem on the dismount, but my legs were definitely
feeling the effort on the bike. Almost
collided with a volunteer who was “moseying” through transition as I tried to
get to my bike rack. Checked my Garmin
and heart rate was showing 179bpm. This
is not where I want to be starting the run with the heart rate maxed out. Shoes, hat, glasses and I’m off, wondering
how I’m going to get my heart rate to settle down.
RUN – 24:18/7:52 pace. Goal was to run a 7:40 average pace. Started the run and immediately I knew I was
going to pay for the fast bike time. My
hamstrings felt like they were tied in knots.
I had not drunk enough on the bike due to concentrating on keeping my
speed up. So now I’m dry-mouthed and
feeling a little overheated. I managed an
8:06 for mile 1. Water station must have
been prepared early, but the water wasn’t cold enough to help cool me
down. (side note: If only the sponsors
would provide paper cups because it’s really hard to run and drink from a Styrofoam cup). The next mile was even worse at 8:17. I knew I had to make up time just to stay
under 8 minute miles for the run. To
make matters worse, at the turn-around point I kept going straight. Thank goodness there was a runner behind me. He whistled me back into consciousness telling me “Left!, Left!”. I was completely zoned out. Looped back and hit the water station and I
must have woken up from there. I came
out of my funk and knew I had to make up time.
I turned in a 7:25 for mile 3 and sprinted through the finish line with
a goofy photo op for Gregg Gelmis.
This was my 7th triathlon this year but the first
repeat race from last season. Good to be able
to compare and see some progress. I
shaved 5:15 off of my total time and improved significantly on the bike and
swim. I was 9th in my age
group and 34th overall with a final time of 56:38. Hot and humid race day made the run a little
more challenging than a 5K should be, despite the trail being mostly shaded. Colder water stations with paper cups would
be nice, and I need to make sure and get more liquid down during the bike. More bike-run bricks will hopefully improve
the first half of my run. Another good show of support for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Great
race support on the course and great to see local athletes and
volunteers making a difference in support of a worthy cause. Lots of podium
spots from the Fleet Feet Tri Team!
Short plug for the CEP calf sleeves.
Foremost, all the cool triathletes wear them, just ask Rick Greif or
Wes Johnson. Psychological or physiological, I couldn't say. If you
read other reviews, you'll find the jury is still out, and maybe you
should try a pair and make your own decision. You can wear them during
the swim and they don't absorb enough water to notice. They claim to
improve circulation and help prevent shin splints. I've had problems
with shin splints in the past so maybe this is an ounce of prevention
(compression IS a medically accepted treatment for shin splints). I
have started wearing them this season and my run times are getting
faster (and it's not because I'm training more for the run). They do
help to keep your muscles more stable which should help
conserve energy, and compression helps prevent your blood from
collecting in the
lower extremities during longer races. Science or pseudoscience? Stop
by Fleet Feet Huntsville and give 'em a Tri.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
70.3 Muncie Race Report by Jennifer Carroll
Pre Race
I drove up to Muncie, IN the day before the race. It took about 7 hrs to get there from
Huntsville, checked in my hotel, then went straight to packet pick up and from
there, went to check my bike in at transition.
The bike check in was optional but I wanted to one less thing to worry
about on race morning so I went ahead and checked it in the night before. I then went and got something to eat, took it
back to the hotel and then went to bed.
Race Day
I got up at 4 am. Got
my coffee in me and started getting ready.
I like to get to the race site early and plus I didn’t know how jacked
up parking was going to be. Ate my
normal breakfast of oatmeal and a banana, got all my stuff together and then
checked out of my hotel. I would be
driving home as soon as the race is over.
I drove down to the race site and parking wasn’t that
bad. They had us parking in a field
about a ¼ mile from transition. Got my
transition bag and bike pump and headed down that way. I set up my transition stuff and headed down
to the water for a little warm up. They
were saying the water temperature was 75.5 degrees, which makes it wetsuit
legal but when I got in the water it was very warm. I opted not to wear a wetsuit because this
race was to be a dry run for Ironman Louisville.
Swim – 1.2 miles
My wave started at 7:35 am.
Getting in the water was a little tricky because of all the rocks and
for a tender footed person like myself, it was tricky. We stood in the shallow in and then the gun
went off. You could almost walk to the 1st
buoy. The water was fairly choppy but
got worse as you went away from shore.
The course is a rectangle making right turns. I thought I was doing fairly well until I
made that last turn to come back to shore.
The sun is right in your face. I
had to stop and ask for directions twice because I couldn’t see where I was
going. I finally made it to shore and
ran up the hill to transition.
I had my compression sleeves laid out and was going to use
them for the bike but opted not to put them on because I was concerned about
time. Put my shoes on, sunglasses, race
belt, and helmet. Grabbed my bike and I
was off.
Bike – 56 miles
All I can say is this was a rough bike course. I should have brought a mountain bike it was
so rough. The roads are in terrible
condition. It’s an out and back. This course has a few rollers but nothing
big. I was able to stay in the big chain
ring the entire time. I had two bottles
of Infinit on my bike along with my honey stinger waffles. During all the jarring due to the road
conditions, my salt stick tablets fell out of my bento box somewhere along the
After all that, I finally made it back to transition. Racked my bike, took off my helmet. Put on my socks and shoes, grabbed my fuel
belt and my visor and I was off.
Run – 13.1 miles
Like the bike course, this course is an out and back. I felt pretty good starting out. My original plan was to run until I reached
the aid stations, which were about every mile, and then walk the aid
stations. I did that for the 1st
couple and then I went to a ratio of 4 minutes of running to 1 minute of
walking. After the turnaround at the
halfway point my legs just wouldn’t go anymore.
I tried to maintain my ratio of 4:1 but I was just trying to survive to
make the cutoff.
After thoughts
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Sunfish Sprint Triathlon Race Report (Meridian, MS) by Mark Hudnall
1/3 mile swim (586 yds)/17mi bike/5K run. Weather at start time: 70°, Sunny and 88% humidity
and 5-7 mph northerly winds.
I put this race on the calendar in coordination with a
weekend trip to see family…what a coincidence.
Left home and drove to Meridian on Friday afternoon. Picked up my race packet on the way into town
(Bib #83) and got some takeout grilled seafood from Outback. Convenient to stay with family, but the guest
bed is a double and we’re used to a king size mattress. I think my wife and I kept each other awake
just due to lack of space and the “extra firm” (concrete) mattress. This resulted in almost no sleep the night
before the race.
After at best 2 hours of sleep, I followed my normal
nutrition plan and headed back across town to the race. Got to the race site around 5:30 and set up
my transition area on a rack about halfway between the corners that were
designated as bike IN and bike OUT points. All along I felt like I was missing
or forgetting something - very
uncomfortable feeling for a new race course and and out of town race. Made a short jog around 6:20 to get the legs
moving and then hopped on the bike for a test ride to check gearing and
brakes. The bike mount line was right at
the bottom of a short but significant “hill”.
I made a couple of barefoot starts with my shoes clipped in to be sure
that I could get up the hill without causing a crash or embarrassing
myself. Racked the bike and then got
to chat with my wife and Mom for a few minutes before lining up for the swim.
With 2 young children my support crew usually opts to sleep in on race
day. Nice change, since the kiddos were
not with us, to see my wife right before the start. I can’t describe what a good feeling that it
was to see her right before the race and again headed out for the run. Yes,
triathlon is a mental sport.
SWIM – 1/3 mile, 10:34.
Different approach at this race
to seed the starting order for the swim.
It was a time trial start by bib number where race bibs were numbered
based on registration order. As I line
up for the swim, I’m thinking that despite being #83 in the water, there will
be lots of swimmers to pass since it was based on registration order and not
estimated swim time. I entered the water
and within the first 50 yards another swimmer passed me. I decided that I would test the swim drafting
theory and got right on his feet. I
checked his sighting the first 25 yards or so and he was right on course, so I
kept my head down and just followed his feet the rest of the swim. He stayed straight on course. I rolled into
T1 feeling more rested than ever and my breathing and heart rate were
completely under control. This was
T1 - 0:40. Pretty smooth
transition, and felt really fast (only 14 racers were faster!). Found out later that my wife took a photo as
I exited the water, and by the time she made it to the bike mount line I was
already pedaling away.
Bike - 17 miles, 19.5
mph avg, 51:44. I made it up the hill
pedaling barefoot on top of my shoes. As
I reached the flat section crossing the lake dame, I attempted to slide my feet
into my shoes. Left shoe slide in easy,
but before I could Velcro the strap it came unclipped. Panic.
Please don’t let me lose my shoe.
Fixed that emergency and went to work on the right foot. The Velcro strap had came out of the metal
loop. Fun time threading that back
through while riding across the lake dam and not becoming a hazard to the other
cyclists. After finally getting all
strapped into my bike, the course takes a nice steep downhill off the pond dam
and I used it make up the seconds lost arguing with my shoes. Through the park and onto the highway and
hello hill climb. I had ridden the
course so it wasn’t a surprise, but still no fun hitting 3 hills about 100
feet/.25 mile each right out of the gate.
Doesn’t seem like much on paper and I know some people enjoy it, but
I’ll take the flat course any day. The
rest of the bike went well. I did get passed
by some really fast bikes, considering that there were plenty of fast racers
behind me on the swim entry. Caught up
with Rocketman on the course and noticed he was pulling another racer along
(incidental drafting on her part I’m sure). The course did take a nice jaunt down a
county road between miles 4 and 8 and thus began the Paris-Roubaix of
Mississippi. This again, not a surprise,
but the road was as bumpy as riding down cobblestone, only without the
cobbles. On the upside, the local
residents had taken care of the dozen plus dogs that chased me when I rode the
course back in May.
T2 - 0:44. No problem
on the dismount and bike racking. Slid into my running shoes, grabbed my
sunglasses, hat, and race belt and out the runner’s shoot. I usually clip my belt while standing in
transition. Little things to save time…
and putting on the hat, glasses, and belt while running out of transition does
make a little time back (from my slow bike).

![]() |
18th AG, 86th OA, 1:27:13 |

Sunday, July 7, 2013
Tri for Ole Glory Off Road Race Report by Mark Hudnall
Tri for Ole Glory.
July 4th, 2013.
200 meter swim, 8 mile mountain bike, and 3 mile run.
Let it be
known, I am not a Mountain Biker. I own
a mountain bike, and that is as far as it goes.
It’s limited to neighborhood
rides with the kids and family strolls on the local greenways. I approached this race as something different
and expecting that much of the faster triathletes would be elsewhere. Thus giving me a small opportunity to podium
in my age group.
I spent
some time in the weeks leading up to the race practicing on the bike course
(remember “not a mountain biker”). Using my pre-98
model 26-inch Trek 800 was a great workout.
I got in about 5 laps around the course on it and was rewarded with 3
flats. Just a few days before the race a
friend offered his 29-incher equipped with Stan’s NoTubes. This was a significant "technological"
improvement and (could be psychological) made the course much easier from both
an exertion and technical perspective.

By this
time the rain was coming down in sheets.
A little slow in transition, and I must have allowed 1 or 2 racers to
get ahead of me. Bike shoes, camelback,
mt bike gloves, helmet and off for the fun.
T2 was
even a little slower than T1. Lock laces
weren’t cooperating on the running
shoes and I should have just worn the mountain bike gloves instead of taking
the time to get them off.
The run
was (fortunately) a little short of the advertised 3 miles. It was NOT short of lots of deep puddles that
WERE hard to see on the pavement during the heavy rain. The first water station (ha ha) was
un-manned. I guess you could just look
up at the sky and get a drink. But it
did bait me in to a nice deep puddle as I came by the table hoping to grab a
self-serve cup of water. I was passed by
2 runners on the course. One of them
cramped up and I was able to pass him in the last mile, the other one was the 1st
overall female. I must admit the
cramping runner, did start a wave behind me, so he was still faster overall
even though I finished ahead of him.
Final time was 1:28:06, good enough for 3rd in my age group
and 10th overall.
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