Wednesday, July 17, 2013

70.3 Muncie Race Report by Jennifer Carroll

Pre Race
I drove up to Muncie, IN the day before the race.  It took about 7 hrs to get there from Huntsville, checked in my hotel, then went straight to packet pick up and from there, went to check my bike in at transition.  The bike check in was optional but I wanted to one less thing to worry about on race morning so I went ahead and checked it in the night before.  I then went and got something to eat, took it back to the hotel and then went to bed.
Race Day
I got up at 4 am.  Got my coffee in me and started getting ready.  I like to get to the race site early and plus I didn’t know how jacked up parking was going to be.  Ate my normal breakfast of oatmeal and a banana, got all my stuff together and then checked out of my hotel.  I would be driving home as soon as the race is over.
I drove down to the race site and parking wasn’t that bad.  They had us parking in a field about a ¼ mile from transition.  Got my transition bag and bike pump and headed down that way.  I set up my transition stuff and headed down to the water for a little warm up.  They were saying the water temperature was 75.5 degrees, which makes it wetsuit legal but when I got in the water it was very warm.  I opted not to wear a wetsuit because this race was to be a dry run for Ironman Louisville.
Swim – 1.2 miles
My wave started at 7:35 am.  Getting in the water was a little tricky because of all the rocks and for a tender footed person like myself, it was tricky.  We stood in the shallow in and then the gun went off.  You could almost walk to the 1st buoy.  The water was fairly choppy but got worse as you went away from shore.  The course is a rectangle making right turns.  I thought I was doing fairly well until I made that last turn to come back to shore.  The sun is right in your face.  I had to stop and ask for directions twice because I couldn’t see where I was going.  I finally made it to shore and ran up the hill to transition.
I had my compression sleeves laid out and was going to use them for the bike but opted not to put them on because I was concerned about time.  Put my shoes on, sunglasses, race belt, and helmet.  Grabbed my bike and I was off.
Bike – 56 miles
All I can say is this was a rough bike course.  I should have brought a mountain bike it was so rough.  The roads are in terrible condition.  It’s an out and back.  This course has a few rollers but nothing big.  I was able to stay in the big chain ring the entire time.  I had two bottles of Infinit on my bike along with my honey stinger waffles.  During all the jarring due to the road conditions, my salt stick tablets fell out of my bento box somewhere along the way.
After all that, I finally made it back to transition.  Racked my bike, took off my helmet.  Put on my socks and shoes, grabbed my fuel belt and my visor and I was off.
Run – 13.1 miles
Like the bike course, this course is an out and back.  I felt pretty good starting out.  My original plan was to run until I reached the aid stations, which were about every mile, and then walk the aid stations.  I did that for the 1st couple and then I went to a ratio of 4 minutes of running to 1 minute of walking.  After the turnaround at the halfway point my legs just wouldn’t go anymore.  I tried to maintain my ratio of 4:1 but I was just trying to survive to make the cutoff. 
After thoughts
I’d like to do this race again to try to redeem myself and try to do better.  The whole point of this was to try to boost my confidence for Louisville but it didn’t do that.